CTLGFVER -$VER: AutodocViewerLite.catalog 1.1 (26.5.0) english Project New... About... Statics... Iconify... Quit... Windows Open Symbol Window... Close Symbol Window... Open Include Window... Close Include Window... Open Chronicle Window... Close Chronicle Window... Edit Includes... Tile Vertical Tile Horizontal Cascade Groups New... Rename... Clone... Delete... Options... Move Up Move Down Autodocs Add Autodoc(s)... Remove Autodoc... Remove All... Move Up Move Down Functions (Re)Scan All Viewer Find... Find Next... Options... Rescan Symbols Delete... Settings ScreenMode... PublicScreen... Change Colors... Change Pens... Screen Font... Menu Font... Listview Font... String Font... Button Font... Text Font... Settings... Load Settings... Save Settings Save Settings As... Save Configuration OK|Cancel Yes|Nope Damn!!! Abort _Abort Cancel _Cancel Remove Select Correct|Skip More|Continue Continue Quit|Save & Quit|Save Overwrite|Skip Another|Cancel Try Again|Cancel Another|Select|Overwrite|Cancel Global Error... Include Error... Font Error... Groups... Autodocs... Functions... Includes... Function Error... Include Error... Palette... Configuration Error... Scanning Includes... Assembly Includes Path... Request... Edit Includes... Select Include... Public Screens... Select screenmode... Settings... Select Image path... Search Results... Symbols... Viewer... Please, wait... Autodoc Error... Select Autodoc(s)... Adding Autodoc(s)... Delete Autodoc... Delete Group... Group Error... New Group... Group Options... Rename Group... Clone Group... Viewer Options... DosError... Load Settings... Save Settings As... Statics... Chronicle... Search in function... Alphabetical Include path Images path Toolbar Assembly Includes Vanilla Timeout Alphabetical group window Maximum Chronicle Bookmark autosave timeout Symbols found Errors found Total Symbols found Total Errors found .Do you want delete the complete configuration? Processing configuration... Loading images... Scanning Function... Scanning Autodoc... Saving Configuration... Keywords Links Italic Underline Horizontal scroller Font layout _Enter name on new group... _Enter word to search for... oAutodocViewer have problems allocating memory. Either is the memory list corrputed or you are out of resources. EI couldn't find the configuration file! Do you want to build one??? %You must enter a name on the group... The repairing of uncorrect autodocs are not yet implemented, due to major unstability of that function :-( Much *MORE* work needs to be done before this will usable... RThe MACRO definition in line %ld of %s is missing ENDM or MEXIT Include removed!!! The file '%s' are probably not an AutodocViewer configuration file, or it's saved using a newer version of AutodocViewer. Do you want to build a new one??? sThe function %s in the autodoc %s, has checksum error. The autodoc has probably been altered, please add it again. gThe include file %s/%s has checksum error. The include has probably been altered, please add it again. 6Do you really want to delete all the autodocs in `%s`? "Line %ld in %s could be a macro... %Line %ld in %s could be directive... UThe autodoc %s is already added to the %s group. Overwrite existing or skip current? bFailed to create the autodoc `%s`! Probably low on resources. Do you want to free some or cancel? GThe font %s size %ld not found!! I will use topaz.font size 8 instead. Processing %s... Function %ld of %ld 9I'v run out of resources, while handeling the file '%s'. )The file '%s' are not an autodoc file!!! QThe file '%s' are probably an autodoc file, but it lacks at least one formfeed!!! 5The Table Of Contents in '%s' has one or more errors. ]The file '%s' are probably an autodoc text file, but the Table Of Contents were not found!!! mThe number of functions found in '%s'. Does not match the number of function found in the Table Of Contents. One or more function names found in Table Of Contents of '%s'. Does not match the function names found in the text array or visa versa. No formfeeds were found in '%s'!!! An autodoc text file must have atleast two fromfeeds. One after the Table Of Contents and one at the end of each function described. .Do you really want to delete the autodoc `%s`? aDo you really want to delete the group `%s`? All autodocs attached to it, will also be deleted. qThe group '%s' already exists!!! Do you wish to select another group name or cancel the creation of a new group? Change '%s' Group Options... _Enter new name on '%s'... #_Enter name on cloned '%s' group... Cloning '%s' group... 5The group '%s' already exists!!! What is your wish? Written by %s This program is CARDWARE or MAILWARE. The author can be reached at: email: %s support: %s Bug reports and suggestions are welcome at the author's resident. o%s statics. %ld group(s) %ld autodoc(s) %ld function(s) %ld include(s) %ld symbol(s) %ld link(s) Total of %ld Do you want to quit %s??? UThe configuration has been modified!!! Do you wish to save changes before quiting??? DosError %ld occured!!! !This is the last line at last...